Perhaps the most stressful part of your wedding day is the ceremony. Often a couple will refrain from being together the day of the ceremony, to make a magical moment when seeing each other at their best when they come together. Then to continue the magic throughout the service as they profess their love and commitment for each other in front of those who are most important in their lives.
Wow what a lot of pressure.
Let’s start with the premise that you are better together and help one another during stressful situations, why remove that from the occasion. We suggest writing each other a love letter to be read privately about 20 minutes prior to the service. You can each profess your love and commitment in your own words. The writing does not need to be anything other than straight from the heart and with your own verbiage. Knowing that together you will help each other as partners is very comforting. Leaning on one another will give you calming effect as you proceed with the ceremony.
This love letter will also be a priceless piece of memorabilia which can be referenced when there a bumps in the road as you travel through your journey together. The letter can bring back the strong feeling of love and commitment which can get dulled when dealing with life’s struggles.
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